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Reykjavík, IS | Hugarflug 2018, Listaháskóli Íslands

  • Listahaskoli Island 91 Laugarnesvegur Reykjavík, Austurbær Iceland (map)

Arts in Detention*


Áine Mangaoang (panel chair): Prisons of Note in Norway and the Philippines 

Þráinn Þórhallsson: Music in prisons in Iceland 

Sonja Kovacevic: Pillow Talk: project with asylum seekers in Iceland 

Sigrún Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir & Sigurður Halldórsson: Musical Journeys: The Iceland Academy of the Arts, the Red Cross in Iceland, and Airwaves festival 

Laufey Sigrún Haraldsdóttir: Music Connects: Musicians without Borders

*Commissioned panel

For more details, visit the website.