Ultima Kompass Festival opening at NMH
Thursday, 14 September, at 17:00–22:00
Slemdalsveien 11, 0363 Oslo
Spotlight IMV + Exhibition (Biblioteket, NMH)
Ultima 2023 opens with a showcase of pop-up concerts, performances, sound installations, talks and workshops at the Norwegian Academy of Music. As part of this event, researchers from the Department of Musicology, UiO, will introduce a selection of ongoing research projects.
Join us to hear more about topics including: how folk music archives are coming to life thanks for new tools for searching databases; how music is changing lives in prisons; what we can learn about rhythm when we understand it thought dance and not just through listening; how new digital music production platforms are changing how we make music; and what happens when we track the movements of an entire symphony orchestra in concert.
17:00-1730: PLATFORM: Transformations of production technology in the online environment. Project leader Yngvar Kjus.
18:00-18:30: PRISONS OF NOTE: Mapping music and nuances in penal exceptionalism from the periphery. Project leader Áine Mangaoang
19:00-19:30: MIRAGE - A Comprehensive AI-Based System for Advanced Music Analysis. Project leader Olivier Lartillot
20:00-20:30: DjembeDance – Multimodal rhythm in music and dance from West Africa. Project leader Rainer Polak
21:00-21:30: Motion capture and interaction with Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. Finn Upham with composer Morten Christophersen
Moderert av Peter Edwards.
In collaboration with
Norges musikkhøgskole, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Institutt for Musikkvitenskap, UiO, NordArt, nyMusikk
For full program visit: https://www.ultima.no/en/ultima-kompass-2